Mission & History
Minnesota’s Iranian-Americans take a deep pride in their cultural heritage, rich with accomplishments in the areas of art and architecture, music and poetry. They also take pride in a tradition of religious tolerance and respect for human dignity that they trace back over 2500 years to King Cyrus, founder of the first Persian Empire.
The mission of the Twin Cities Iranian Culture Collective is to give Minnesota’s Iranian-Americans a way to share that rich culture with their children, and for other Minnesotans to learn about a nation and a culture that are often overshadowed by current geopolitical dramas. Our annual Fall Iranian Culture Festival showcases local Iranian-Americans — some with national and international reputations — whose creative work in the arts, literature and scholarship reflects or illuminates their rich heritage. They also provide an opportunity for other Minnesotans to learn about Iran’s history and culture through a multimedia art exhibit, lecture and photo exhibit, and by meeting Iranian-American participants and attendees.